After hearing my neighbor's dog howling the whole night, I decided to look up dogs. Actually, I'm quite scared of dogs. I really get scared when they lick me or jump onto me. My cousin's corgi is super wild and jittery. Anyways, I looked up on wikipedia a list of dogs and I found chow chows. They are so cute especially when they are babies. They look like a mix between a lion and a bear. Also, the Tibetan Mastiff is super cute too. I found out chow chow's are one of the least intelligent dogs, meanest, and laziest. What a turn off since they are so kawaii. But then I looked at more pictures of chow chows and I realized that my second cousin actually has one. He just looks different cause his hair is always short since it is so hot. He is super timid and nice. I guess it depends on how you raise them.
Chow chow pups are so cute!
Haha, which one's the panda?
I think chow chows and Tibetan Mastiffs are really adorable, but they are also on the top ten list of most expensive dogs. They are usually in the thousands, but there is this one red Tibetan Mastiff that was sold for $1.5 million dollars in China!!! Here it is.
I love Chow Chows too!!!:D I was doing a bit of research for 2 months, and I kept thinking of reasons why I should get a chow chow, and unfortunately reasons why I shouldn't. Here are my conclusions :] Chows are great for owners who can spend most of their day and life with their cuddly pet. Chows can live outside, but every now and then they have to be inside the house so they can get use to their surroundings, because Chow chows are excellent watch dogs. Your Chow chow needs social attention with other people for example taking them on long walks with people and other dogs around. Training, is essential for this dog at a very young age or puppy school, but training is quite expensive. It is a bad Idea to buy the chow at a regular pet store, because of the commonly known disease which is Hip dysplasia that almost every chow chow gets. Look for a breeder online and make sure they are registered. why? Because, They will be able to tell you if the chow chow you are buying is a pure breed as well as, check families blood lines to see if your chow chow will get Hip dysplasia. Chow chows need a one hour brush of their fur and regular baths.